Digital Magazine
W. G. K. Digital Newspaper
Issue-The consequences of climate change
Climate change is affecting our world- but how?
Natural disasters
The melting icebergs don’t just disappear, you know. And unnatural temperatues have effects! These two things that climate change causes can lead to droughts, tsunamis, and so much more. Other things that are happening are tornadoes, which are caused by hot and cold air in thunderstorms.
Did you know that one of the causes of inlfation is climate change? It’s true! Prices are shooting towards the sky because of supply and demand. There is less food in the store than last year, so we raise the prices. You know why there is less food? Because of droughts, plague, and harmful man-made toxins in the soil. Also, storms delay ships and planes that are importing goods. This is harmful for many start-up companies, and also bigger ones too!
Of course, animals are suffering too! The icebergs are melting. Forest fires are sweeping the world. Need proof? Well, how do you think Orange Day happened? The oceans are heating up, and the fish are dying. Also, a species of animal goes extinct every 20 minutes. Their habitats are changing, not in a good way. Also, the forests are being cut down, and animals across the nation are becoming homeless.
Dear Earthie
An advice column
Dear Earthie,
My usage of water is super high. But if I don’t take showers, or wash the dishes, or flush, then the house is ruined! I don’t know what to do!!!
-Water Killer
Dear Water Killer,
Showers are important because of hygiene, but if you take short showers every other day, you will help a lot. Also, showers are better than baths. Tip: try using colder water instead, so you’re not using up energy as much. And as for dishes, you can use the same dish over and over again, so long as it’s not too dirty. For example, if it just has a few bread crumbs, then it’s fine. Also, for flushing, just don’t flush more than necessary.
How to draw:
A squirrel!
Fun Facts about squirrels:
A squirrel’s four front teeth will keep growing unless they fall out, then they don’t grow back.
Squirrels are eco-helpers! 25 percent of their acorns and nuts get lost, and they stay there, buried in the earth. If a squirrel buried seeds, that’s a good thing!
The biggest squirrel can grow to nearly 3 feet long!